遊戲市場已趨向精緻與電影化,負責撰寫劇本的「遊戲劇作家」,得精通歷史、劇本寫作、角色設定,搭配對電腦遊戲的理解,設計出引人入勝,讓玩家願意一玩再玩、陷入劇情設定的劇本,專業程度不輸好萊塢的導演或編劇。 See more
用夯砸:夯土。夯實。 方言,用力打:拿棍子夯。 夯 bèn ㄅㄣˋ 同「笨」。 筆畫數:5; 部首:大; 筆順編號:13453
The Chinese terms 陰; yīn; dark side and 陽; yáng; light side have a rich history in the language, their etymologies and evolution analyzable through lenses of orthography, phonology, and meanings. The Chinese characters 陰 and 陽 are both considered to be phono-semantic compounds, with semantic component 阝 mound, hill, a graphical variant of 阜—with。